Friday, November 16, 2012


Homeschooling is not only growing rapidly in America, it is establishing itself as the most effective education option available.
Although homeschooling was practiced in America even before the nation declared independence, it has never been a very popular practice. Parents must buy and teach curriculum without support from any government sources.
Despite the extraordinary effort it requires, there were 2.04 million home educated students in 2010, and the population continues to grow. This is most likely due to the high return rate, since 82 percent of adults who were home schooled said they plan on continuing the practice with their children.
Another reason for the growth could be the stunning success that home schooled students have had academically and professionally. They consistently score over 30 percentile points above students with a public education on standardized tests.
For more information, check out the articles below.


General David Petraeus has said he will testify to Congress Nov. 16 about the Benghazi terrorist attack which killed four Americans.
Petraeus's willingness to testify was put in doubt after he resigned his position as head director of the CIA because of a recent scandal uncovering an affair between the general and his biographer, Paula Broadwell.
The testimony is expected to shed some light on exactly what caused the attack in Benghazi, and why the embassy had almost no security or support after repeated requests for both.
"Gosh, we know mistakes were made," said Senator Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga. "At the end of the day, our committee is going to get to the bottom of this."
The testimony, which will be given to the House and Senate intelligence committees, will be closed to the public.


Tim Tebow's transition to the New York Jets has been full of friction, especially when teammates recently called Tebow "terrible" in comments to the Daily News.
Last year, fans praised Tebow for taking the losing Denver Broncos team and putting them into the playoffs. However, after being traded to the Jets, he is still only the third string quarterback and hasn't seen much playing time.
When Matt Slauson, the Jets's left guard, was asked by the Daily News about the teams backup quarterbacks, Tebow and Greg McElroy he said, "We have Greg... and we have an athlete."
Coach Rex Ryan and other players have defended Tebow, but say they will stick with Mark Sanchez, their current starting quarterback, even though the team is in danger of losing a chance at the playoffs.
Tebow himself doesn't seem to be bothered by the comments. He told ESPN, "It's never fun to hear criticism. At the same time, it's something I've always used as motivation. You try to get stronger from it."